Omit obvious type annotations for top-level and static variables.
This rule is currently experimental and not yet available in a stable SDK.
This rule has a quick fix available.
Incompatible rules: always_specify_types
#Don't type annotate initialized top-level or static variables when the type is obvious.
final int myTopLevelVariable = 7;
class A {
static String myStaticVariable = 'Hello';
final myTopLevelVariable = 7;
class A {
static myStaticVariable = 'Hello';
Sometimes the inferred type is not the type you want the variable to have. For example, you may intend to assign values of other types later. You may also wish to write a type annotation explicitly because the type of the initializing expression is non-obvious and it will be helpful for future readers of the code to document this type. Or you may wish to commit to a specific type such that future updates of dependencies (in nearby code, in imports, anywhere) will not silently change the type of that variable, thus introducing compile-time errors or run-time bugs in locations where this variable is used. In those cases, go ahead and annotate the variable with the type you want.
final num myTopLevelVariable = 7;
class A {
static String? myStaticVariable = 'Hello';
This rule is experimental. It is being evaluated, and it may be changed or removed. Feedback on its behavior is welcome! The main issue is here:
#To enable the omit_obvious_property_types
add omit_obvious_property_types
under linter > rules in your
- omit_obvious_property_types
除非另有说明,文档之所提及适用于 Dart 3.6.0 版本,本页面最后更新时间: 2024-08-02。 查看文档源码 或者 报告页面问题。