
Dart 速查表

Dart 语言旨在让从其他编程语言转来的开发者们能够轻松学习,但也有它的独特之处。本篇将为你介绍一些最重要的语言特性。

这篇教程中的嵌入式编辑器已经完成了部分代码片段。你可以在这些编辑器上将代码补充完整,然后点击 Run (运行) 按钮进行测试。这些编辑器上还包含了健全的测试代码;你可以随时研究这些代码来学习测试方面的知识,但 不要编辑测试代码



为了将表达式的值放在字符串中,请使用 ${expression}。若表达式为单个标识符,则可以省略 {}


字符串 结果
'${3 + 2}' '5'
'${"word".toUpperCase()}' 'WORD'
'$myObject' myObject.toString() 的值



下面的方法接收两个整型变量作为参数,然后让它返回一个包含以空格分隔的整数的字符串。例如,stringify(2, 3) 应该返回 '2 3'

String stringify(int x, int y) {
  TODO('Return a formatted string here');

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!): 
void main() {
  assert(stringify(2, 3) == '2 3',
      "Your stringify method returned '${stringify(2, 3)}' instead of '2 3'");
Solution for string interpolation example

Both x and y are simple values, and Dart's string interpolation will handle converting them to string representations. All you need to do is use the $ operator to reference them inside single quotes, with a space in between:

String stringify(int x, int y) {
  return '$x $y';



Dart 要求使用健全的空安全,这意味着除非变量显式声明为可空类型,否则它们将不能为空。换句话说,类型默认是不可为空的。

举个例子,下面的代码在空安全下是有错误的,因为 int 类型的变量不能为 null

int a = null; // INVALID.

你可以通过在类型后添加 ? 来表示该类型可空:

int? a = null; // Valid.

在所有 Dart 版本中,null 在未初始化的变量里都是默认值,所以你可以这样简化你的代码:

int? a; // The initial value of a is null.

想了解更多有关 Dart 的空安全的内容,请阅读 健全的空安全



在此 DartPad 中声明以下两种变量:

  • 一个可空的 String,名为 name,值为 'Jane'

  • 一个可空的 String,名为 address,值为 null

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

// TODO: Declare the two variables here

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!): 
void main() {
  try {
    if (name == 'Jane' && address == null) {
      // verify that "name" is nullable
      name = null;
    } else {
      print('Not quite right, try again!');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Exception: ${e.runtimeType}');

将两个变量声明的 String 后面带上 ?。然后,将 name 赋值为 'Jane' 并且不对 address 进行初始化赋值:

String? name = 'Jane';
String? address;



Dart 提供了一系列方便的运算符用于处理可能会为空值的变量。其中一个是 ??= 赋值运算符,仅当该变量为空值时才为其赋值:

int? a; // = null
a ??= 3;
print(a); // <-- Prints 3.

a ??= 5;
print(a); // <-- Still prints 3.

另外一个避空运算符是 ??,如果该运算符左边的表达式返回的是空值,则会计算并返回右边的表达式。

print(1 ?? 3); // <-- Prints 1.
print(null ?? 12); // <-- Prints 12.



尝试在下面的代码片段中交替使用 ??=?? 操作符,实现期望的需求。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

String? foo = 'a string';
String? bar; // = null

// Substitute an operator that makes 'a string' be assigned to baz.
String? baz = foo /* TODO */ bar;

void updateSomeVars() {
  // Substitute an operator that makes 'a string' be assigned to bar.
  bar /* TODO */ 'a string';

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  try {
    if (foo != 'a string') {
      print('Looks like foo somehow ended up with the wrong value.');
    } else if (bar != 'a string') {
      print('Looks like bar ended up with the wrong value.');
    } else if (baz != 'a string') {
      print('Looks like baz ended up with the wrong value.');
    } else {
  } catch (e) {
    print('Exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');
Solution for null-aware operators example

All you need to do in this exercise is replace the TODO comments with either ?? or ??=. Read the text above to make sure you understand both, and then give it a try:

// Substitute an operator that makes 'a string' be assigned to baz.
String? baz = foo ?? bar;

void updateSomeVars() {
  // Substitute an operator that makes 'a string' be assigned to bar.
  bar ??= 'a string';






(myObject != null) ? myObject.someProperty : null

你可以在一个表达式中连续使用多个 ?.


如果 myObjectmyObject.someProperty 为空,则前面的代码返回 null(并不再调用 someMethod)。



下面的函数将一个可空的字符串作为参数。请尝试使用条件属性访问来让它返回 str 的大写形式,如果 strnull 则返回 null

String? upperCaseIt(String? str) {
  // TODO: Try conditionally accessing the `toUpperCase` method here.

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  try {
    String? one = upperCaseIt(null);
    if (one != null) {
      print('Looks like you\'re not returning null for null inputs.');
    } else {
      print('Success when str is null!');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling upperCaseIt(null) and got an exception: \n ${e.runtimeType}.');
  try {
    String? two = upperCaseIt('a string');
    if (two == null) {
      print('Looks like you\'re returning null even when str has a value.');
    } else if (two != 'A STRING') {
      print('Tried upperCaseIt(\'a string\'), but didn\'t get \'A STRING\' in response.');
    } else {
      print('Success when str is not null!');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling upperCaseIt(\'a string\') and got an exception: \n ${e.runtimeType}.');


String? upperCaseIt(String? str) {
  return str?.toUpperCase();

集合字面量 (Collection literals)


Dart 内置了对 list、map 以及 set 的支持。你可以通过字面量直接创建它们:

final aListOfStrings = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
final aSetOfStrings = {'one', 'two', 'three'};
final aMapOfStringsToInts = {
  'one': 1,
  'two': 2,
  'three': 3,

Dart 的类型推断可以自动帮你分配这些变量的类型。在这个例子中,推断类型是 List<String>Set<String>Map<String, int>


final aListOfInts = <int>[];
final aSetOfInts = <int>{};
final aMapOfIntToDouble = <int, double>{};

在使用子类型的内容初始化列表,但仍希望列表为 List <BaseType> 时,指定其类型很方便:

final aListOfBaseType = <BaseType>[SubType(), SubType()];



尝试将以下变量设定为指定的值。替换当前的 null 值。

// Assign this a list containing 'a', 'b', and 'c' in that order:
final aListOfStrings = null;

// Assign this a set containing 3, 4, and 5:
final aSetOfInts = null;

// Assign this a map of String to int so that aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] returns 12:
final aMapOfStringsToInts = null;

// Assign this an empty List<double>:
final anEmptyListOfDouble = null;

// Assign this an empty Set<String>:
final anEmptySetOfString = null;

// Assign this an empty Map of double to int:
final anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts = null;

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];
  if (aListOfStrings is! List<String>) {
    errs.add('aListOfStrings should have the type List<String>.');
  } else if (aListOfStrings.length != 3) {
    errs.add('aListOfStrings has ${aListOfStrings.length} items in it, \n rather than the expected 3.');
  } else if (aListOfStrings[0] != 'a' || aListOfStrings[1] != 'b' || aListOfStrings[2] != 'c') {
    errs.add('aListOfStrings doesn\'t contain the correct values (\'a\', \'b\', \'c\').');

  if (aSetOfInts is! Set<int>) {
    errs.add('aSetOfInts should have the type Set<int>.');
  } else if (aSetOfInts.length != 3) {
    errs.add('aSetOfInts has ${aSetOfInts.length} items in it, \n rather than the expected 3.');
  } else if (!aSetOfInts.contains(3) || !aSetOfInts.contains(4) || !aSetOfInts.contains(5)) {
    errs.add('aSetOfInts doesn\'t contain the correct values (3, 4, 5).');

  if (aMapOfStringsToInts is! Map<String, int>) {
    errs.add('aMapOfStringsToInts should have the type Map<String, int>.');
  } else if (aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] != 12) {
    errs.add('aMapOfStringsToInts doesn\'t contain the correct values (\'myKey\': 12).');

  if (anEmptyListOfDouble is! List<double>) {
    errs.add('anEmptyListOfDouble should have the type List<double>.');
  } else if (anEmptyListOfDouble.isNotEmpty) {
    errs.add('anEmptyListOfDouble should be empty.');

  if (anEmptySetOfString is! Set<String>) {
    errs.add('anEmptySetOfString should have the type Set<String>.');
  } else if (anEmptySetOfString.isNotEmpty) {
    errs.add('anEmptySetOfString should be empty.');

  if (anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts is! Map<double, int>) {
    errs.add('anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts should have the type Map<double, int>.');
  } else if (anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts.isNotEmpty) {
    errs.add('anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts should be empty.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {

  // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_type_check
集合字面量 (Collection literals) 样例的解决方案

在每个等号后添加一个 list、set 或 map literal。切记要指定空声明的类型,因为它们是无法推断的。

// Assign this a list containing 'a', 'b', and 'c' in that order:
final aListOfStrings = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// Assign this a set containing 3, 4, and 5:
final aSetOfInts = {3, 4, 5};

// Assign this a map of String to int so that aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] returns 12:
final aMapOfStringsToInts = {'myKey': 12};

// Assign this an empty List<double>:
final anEmptyListOfDouble = <double>[];

// Assign this an empty Set<String>:
final anEmptySetOfString = <String>{};

// Assign this an empty Map of double to int:
final anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts = <double, int>{};



你也许已经在 Dart 代码中见到过 => 符号。这种箭头语法是一种定义函数的方法,该函数将在其右侧执行表达式并返回其值。

例如,考虑调用这个 List 类中的 any 方法:

bool hasEmpty = aListOfStrings.any((s) {
  return s.isEmpty;


bool hasEmpty = aListOfStrings.any((s) => s.isEmpty);




class MyClass {
  int value1 = 2;
  int value2 = 3;
  int value3 = 5;
  // Returns the product of the above values:
  int get product => TODO();
  // Adds 1 to value1:
  void incrementValue1() => TODO();
  // Returns a string containing each item in the
  // list, separated by commas (e.g. 'a,b,c'): 
  String joinWithCommas(List<String> strings) => TODO();

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final obj = MyClass();
  final errs = <String>[];
  try {
    final product = obj.product;
    if (product != 30) {
      errs.add('The product property returned $product \n instead of the expected value (30).'); 
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried to use MyClass.product, but encountered an exception: \n ${e.runtimeType}.');

  try {
    if (obj.value1 != 3) {
      errs.add('After calling incrementValue, value1 was ${obj.value1} \n instead of the expected value (3).'); 
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried to use MyClass.incrementValue1, but encountered an exception: \n ${e.runtimeType}.');

  try {
    final joined = obj.joinWithCommas(['one', 'two', 'three']);
    if (joined != 'one,two,three') {
      errs.add('Tried calling joinWithCommas([\'one\', \'two\', \'three\']) \n and received $joined instead of the expected value (\'one,two,three\').'); 
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried to use MyClass.joinWithCommas, but encountered an exception: \n ${e.runtimeType}.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {

对于乘积,可以使用 * 将三个值相乘。对于 incrementValue1,可以使用增量运算符 (++)。对于 joinWithCommas,可以使用 List 类中的 join 方法。

class MyClass {
  int value1 = 2;
  int value2 = 3;
  int value3 = 5;

  // Returns the product of the above values:
  int get product => value1 * value2 * value3;
  // Adds 1 to value1:
  void incrementValue1() => value1++; 
  // Returns a string containing each item in the
  // list, separated by commas (e.g. 'a,b,c'): 
  String joinWithCommas(List<String> strings) => strings.join(',');





它在 myObject 上调用 someMethod 方法,而表达式的结果是 someMethod 的返回值。



Although it still invokes someMethod() on myObject, the result of the expression isn't the return value—it's a reference to myObject!

虽然它仍然在 myObject 上调用了 someMethod,但表达式的结果却不是该方法返回值,而是是 myObject 对象的引用!使用级联,你可以将需要单独操作的语句链接在一起。例如,下方的代码使用了空判断调用符 (?.) 在 button 不为 null 时获取属性:

var button = querySelector('#confirm');
button?.text = 'Confirm';
button?.onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'));

现在你可以在第一个级联位置,使用 空判断 级联操作符 (?..),它可以确保级联操作均在实例不为 null 时执行。使用空判断级联后,你也不再需要 button 变量了:

  ?..text = 'Confirm'
  ..onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'))



使用级联创建一个语句,分别将 BigObjectanInt 属性设为 1aString 属性设为 String!aList 属性设置为 [3.0] 然后调用 allDone()

class BigObject {
  int anInt = 0;
  String aString = '';
  List<double> aList = [];
  bool _done = false;
  void allDone() {
    _done = true;

BigObject fillBigObject(BigObject obj) {
  // Create a single statement that will update and return obj:
  return TODO('obj..');

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  BigObject obj;

  try {
    obj = fillBigObject(BigObject());
  } catch (e) {
    print('Caught an exception of type ${e.runtimeType} \n while running fillBigObject');

  final errs = <String>[];

  if (obj.anInt != 1) {
        'The value of anInt was ${obj.anInt} \n rather than the expected (1).');

  if (obj.aString != 'String!') {
        'The value of aString was \'${obj.aString}\' \n rather than the expected (\'String!\').');

  if (obj.aList.length != 1) {
        'The length of aList was ${obj.aList.length} \n rather than the expected value (1).');
  } else {
    if (obj.aList[0] != 3.0) {
          'The value found in aList was ${obj.aList[0]} \n rather than the expected (3.0).');
  if (!obj._done) {
    errs.add('It looks like allDone() wasn\'t called.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for cascades example

The best solution for this exercise starts with obj.. and has four assignment operations chained together. Start with return obj..anInt = 1, then add another cascade (..) and start the next assignment.

BigObject fillBigObject(BigObject obj) {
  return obj
    ..anInt = 1
    ..aString = 'String!'

Getters and setters


任何需要对属性进行更多控制而不是允许简单字段访问的时候,你都可以自定义 getter 和 setter。


class MyClass {
  int _aProperty = 0;

  int get aProperty => _aProperty;

  set aProperty(int value) {
    if (value >= 0) {
      _aProperty = value;

你还可以使用 getter 来定义计算属性:

class MyClass {
  final List<int> _values = [];

  void addValue(int value) {

  // A computed property.
  int get count {
    return _values.length;



想象你有一个购物车类,其中有一个私有的 List<double> 类型的 prices 属性。添加以下内容:

  • 一个名为 total 的 getter,用于返回总价格。

  • 只要新列表不包含任何负价格, setter 就会用新的列表替换列表(在这种情况下,setter 应该抛出 InvalidPriceException)。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class InvalidPriceException {}

class ShoppingCart {
  List<double> _prices = [];
  // TODO: Add a "total" getter here:

  // TODO: Add a "prices" setter here:

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  var foundException = false;
  try {
    final cart = ShoppingCart();
    cart.prices = [12.0, 12.0, -23.0];
  } on InvalidPriceException {
    foundException = true;
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried setting a negative price and received a ${e.runtimeType} \n instead of an InvalidPriceException.');
  if (!foundException) {
    print('Tried setting a negative price \n and didn\'t get an InvalidPriceException.');
  final secondCart = ShoppingCart();
  try {
    secondCart.prices = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
  } catch(e) {
    print('Tried setting prices with a valid list, \n but received an exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');
  if (secondCart._prices.length != 3) {
    print('Tried setting prices with a list of three values, \n but _prices ended up having length ${secondCart._prices.length}.');

  if (secondCart._prices[0] != 1.0 || secondCart._prices[1] != 2.0 || secondCart._prices[2] != 3.0) {
    final vals = secondCart._prices.map((p) => p.toString()).join(', ');
    print('Tried setting prices with a list of three values (1, 2, 3), \n but incorrect ones ended up in the price list ($vals) .');
  var sum = 0.0;
  try {
    sum = secondCart.total;
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried to get total, but received an exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');
  if (sum != 6.0) {
    print('After setting prices to (1, 2, 3), total returned $sum instead of 6.');
Solution for getters and setters example

Two functions are handy for this exercise. One is fold, which can reduce a list to a single value (use it to calculate the total). The other is any, which can check each item in a list with a function you give it (use it to check if there are any negative prices in the prices setter).

// Add a "total" getter here:
double get total => _prices.fold(0, (e, t) => e + t);

// Add a "prices" setter here:
set prices(List<double> value) {
  if (value.any((p) => p < 0)) {
    throw InvalidPriceException();
  _prices = value;



Dart 有两种传参方法:位置参数和命名参数。位置参数你可能会比较熟悉:

int sumUp(int a, int b, int c) {
  return a + b + c;
  // ···
  int total = sumUp(1, 2, 3);

在 Dart 里,你可以将这些参数包裹在方括号中,使其变成可选位置参数:

int sumUpToFive(int a, [int? b, int? c, int? d, int? e]) {
  int sum = a;
  if (b != null) sum += b;
  if (c != null) sum += c;
  if (d != null) sum += d;
  if (e != null) sum += e;
  return sum;
  // ···
  int total = sumUpToFive(1, 2);
  int otherTotal = sumUpToFive(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

可选位置参数永远放在方法参数列表的最后。除非你给它们提供一个默认值,否则默认为 null:

int sumUpToFive(int a, [int b = 2, int c = 3, int d = 4, int e = 5]) {
  // ···

void main() {
  int newTotal = sumUpToFive(1);
  print(newTotal); // <-- prints 15



实现一个名为 joinWithCommas 的方法,它接收一至五个整数,然后返回由逗号分隔的包含这些数字的字符串。以下是方法调用和返回值的一些示例:

方法调用 返回值
joinWithCommas(1) '1'
joinWithCommas(1, 2, 3) '1,2,3'
joinWithCommas(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) '1,1,1,1,1'

String joinWithCommas(int a, [int? b, int? c, int? d, int? e]) {
  return TODO();

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];
  try {
    final value = joinWithCommas(1);
    if (value != '1') {
      errs.add('Tried calling joinWithCommas(1) \n and got $value instead of the expected (\'1\').'); 
  } on UnimplementedError {
    print('Tried to call joinWithCommas but failed. \n Did you implement the method?');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling joinWithCommas(1), \n but encountered an exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');

  try {
    final value = joinWithCommas(1, 2, 3);
    if (value != '1,2,3') {
      errs.add('Tried calling joinWithCommas(1, 2, 3) \n and got $value instead of the expected (\'1,2,3\').'); 
  } on UnimplementedError {
    print('Tried to call joinWithCommas but failed. \n Did you implement the method?');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling joinWithCommas(1, 2 ,3), \n but encountered an exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');

  try {
    final value = joinWithCommas(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    if (value != '1,2,3,4,5') {
      errs.add('Tried calling joinWithCommas(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) \n and got $value instead of the expected (\'1,2,3,4,5\').'); 
  } on UnimplementedError {
    print('Tried to call joinWithCommas but failed. \n Did you implement the method?');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling stringify(1, 2, 3, 4 ,5), \n but encountered an exception: ${e.runtimeType}.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for positional parameters example

The b, c, d, and e parameters are null if they aren't provided by the caller. The important thing, then, is to check whether those arguments are null before you add them to the final string.

String joinWithCommas(int a, [int? b, int? c, int? d, int? e]) {
  var total = '$a';
  if (b != null) total = '$total,$b';
  if (c != null) total = '$total,$c';
  if (d != null) total = '$total,$d';
  if (e != null) total = '$total,$e';
  return total;



你可以在参数列表的靠后位置使用花括号 ({}) 来定义命名参数。

除非显式使用 required 进行标记,否则命名参数默认是可选的。

void printName(String firstName, String lastName, {String? middleName}) {
  print('$firstName ${middleName ?? ''} $lastName');

void main() {
  printName('Dash', 'Dartisan');
  printName('John', 'Smith', middleName: 'Who');
  // Named arguments can be placed anywhere in the argument list
  printName('John', middleName: 'Who', 'Smith');

正如你所料,这些参数默认为 null,但你也可以为其提供默认值。

如果一个参数的类型是非空的,那么你必须要提供一个默认值(如下方代码所示),或者将其标记为 required(如 构造部分所示)。

void printName(String firstName, String lastName, {String middleName = ''}) {
  print('$firstName $middleName $lastName');




MyDataObject 类添加一个 copyWith() 实例方法,它应该包含三个可空的命名参数。

  • int? newInt
  • String? newString
  • double? newDouble

copyWith 方法应该根据当前实例返回一个新的 MyDataObject 并将前面参数(如果有的话)的数据复制到对象的属性中。例如,如果 newInt 不为空,则将其值复制到 anInt 中。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class MyDataObject {
  final int anInt;
  final String aString;
  final double aDouble;

     this.anInt = 1,
     this.aString = 'Old!',
     this.aDouble = 2.0,

  // TODO: Add your copyWith method here:

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final source = MyDataObject();
  final errs = <String>[];
  try {
    final copy = source.copyWith(newInt: 12, newString: 'New!', newDouble: 3.0);
    if (copy.anInt != 12) {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(newInt: 12, newString: \'New!\', newDouble: 3.0), \n and the new object\'s anInt was ${copy.anInt} rather than the expected value (12).');
    if (copy.aString != 'New!') {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(newInt: 12, newString: \'New!\', newDouble: 3.0), \n and the new object\'s aString was ${copy.aString} rather than the expected value (\'New!\').');
    if (copy.aDouble != 3) {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(newInt: 12, newString: \'New!\', newDouble: 3.0), \n and the new object\'s aDouble was ${copy.aDouble} rather than the expected value (3).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Called copyWith(newInt: 12, newString: \'New!\', newDouble: 3.0) \n and got an exception: ${e.runtimeType}');
  try {
    final copy = source.copyWith();
    if (copy.anInt != 1) {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(), and the new object\'s anInt was ${copy.anInt} \n rather than the expected value (1).');
    if (copy.aString != 'Old!') {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(), and the new object\'s aString was ${copy.aString} \n rather than the expected value (\'Old!\').');
    if (copy.aDouble != 2) {
      errs.add('Called copyWith(), and the new object\'s aDouble was ${copy.aDouble} \n rather than the expected value (2).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Called copyWith() and got an exception: ${e.runtimeType}');
  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for named parameters example

The copyWith method shows up in a lot of classes and libraries. Yours should do a few things: use optional named parameters, create a new instance of MyDataObject, and use the data from the parameters to fill it (or the data from the current instance if the parameters are null). This is a chance to get more practice with the ?? operator!

  MyDataObject copyWith({int? newInt, String? newString, double? newDouble}) {
    return MyDataObject(
      anInt: newInt ?? this.anInt,
      aString: newString ?? this.aString,
      aDouble: newDouble ?? this.aDouble,



Dart 代码可以抛出和捕获异常。与 Java 不同的是,Dart 的所有异常都是 unchecked exception。方法不会声明它们可能抛出的异常,你也不需要捕获任何异常。

虽然 Dart 提供了 ExceptionError 类型,但是你可以抛出任何非空对象:

throw Exception('Something bad happened.');
throw 'Waaaaaaah!';

使用 tryon 以及 catch 关键字来处理异常:

try {
} on OutOfLlamasException {
  // A specific exception
} on Exception catch (e) {
  // Anything else that is an exception
  print('Unknown exception: $e');
} catch (e) {
  // No specified type, handles all
  print('Something really unknown: $e');

The try keyword works as it does in most other languages. Use the on keyword to filter for specific exceptions by type, and the catch keyword to get a reference to the exception object.

如果你无法完全处理该异常,请使用 rethrow 关键字再次抛出异常:

try {
} catch (e) {
  print('I was just trying to breed llamas!');

要执行一段无论是否抛出异常都会执行的代码,请使用 finally

try {
} catch (e) {
  // ... handle exception ...
} finally {
  // Always clean up, even if an exception is thrown.



在下面实现 tryFunction() 方法。它应该会执行一个不可靠的方法,然后做以下操作:

  • 如果 untrustworthy() 抛出了 ExceptionWithMessage,则调用 logger.logException 并传入使用异常类型和消息(尝试使用 oncatch)。

  • 如果 untrustworthy() 抛出了一个 Exception,则调用 logger.logException 并传入使用异常类型(这次请尝试使用 on)。

  • 如果 untrustworthy() 抛出了其他对象,请不要捕获该异常。

  • 捕获并处理完所有内容后,调用 logger.doneLogging(尝试使用 finally)。

typedef VoidFunction = void Function();

class ExceptionWithMessage {
  final String message;
  const ExceptionWithMessage(this.message);

// Call logException to log an exception, and doneLogging when finished.
abstract class Logger {
  void logException(Type t, [String? msg]);
  void doneLogging();

void tryFunction(VoidFunction untrustworthy, Logger logger) {
  try {
  } on ExceptionWithMessage catch (e) {
    logger.logException(e.runtimeType, e.message); 
  } on Exception catch (e) {
  } finally {

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
class MyLogger extends Logger {
  Type? lastType;
  String lastMessage = '';
  bool done = false;
  void logException(Type t, [String? message]) {
    lastType = t;
    lastMessage = message ?? lastMessage;
  void doneLogging() => done = true;  

void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];
  var logger = MyLogger();
  try {
    tryFunction(() => throw Exception(), logger);
    if ('${logger.lastType}' != 'Exception' && '${logger.lastType}' != '_Exception') {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an Exception, but a different type was logged: \n ${logger.lastType}.');
    if (logger.lastMessage != '') {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an Exception with no message, but a message \n was logged anyway: \'${logger.lastMessage}\'.');
    if (!logger.done) {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an Exception, \n and doneLogging() wasn\'t called afterward.');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Untrustworthy threw an exception, and an exception of type \n ${e.runtimeType} was unhandled by tryFunction.');
  logger = MyLogger();
  try {
    tryFunction(() => throw ExceptionWithMessage('Hey!'), logger);
    if (logger.lastType != ExceptionWithMessage) {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an ExceptionWithMessage(\'Hey!\'), but a \n different type was logged: ${logger.lastType}.');
    if (logger.lastMessage != 'Hey!') {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an ExceptionWithMessage(\'Hey!\'), but a \n different message was logged: \'${logger.lastMessage}\'.');
    if (!logger.done) {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy threw an ExceptionWithMessage(\'Hey!\'), \n and doneLogging() wasn\'t called afterward.');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Untrustworthy threw an ExceptionWithMessage(\'Hey!\'), \n and an exception of type ${e.runtimeType} was unhandled by tryFunction.');
  logger = MyLogger();
  bool caughtStringException = false;

  try {
    tryFunction(() => throw 'A String', logger);
  } on String {
    caughtStringException = true;

  if (!caughtStringException) {
    errs.add('Untrustworthy threw a string, and it was incorrectly handled inside tryFunction().');
  logger = MyLogger();
  try {
    tryFunction(() {}, logger);
    if (logger.lastType != null) {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy didn\'t throw an Exception, \n but one was logged anyway: ${logger.lastType}.');
    if (logger.lastMessage != '') {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy didn\'t throw an Exception with no message, \n but a message was logged anyway: \'${logger.lastMessage}\'.');
    if (!logger.done) {
      errs.add('Untrustworthy didn\'t throw an Exception, \n but doneLogging() wasn\'t called afterward.');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Untrustworthy didn\'t throw an exception, \n but an exception of type ${e.runtimeType} was unhandled by tryFunction anyway.');
  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for exceptions example

This exercise looks tricky, but it's really one big try statement. Call untrustworthy inside the try, and then use on, catch, and finally to catch exceptions and call methods on the logger.

void tryFunction(VoidFunction untrustworthy, Logger logger) {
  try {
  } on ExceptionWithMessage catch (e) {
    logger.logException(e.runtimeType, e.message);
  } on Exception {
  } finally {

在构造方法中使用 this


Dart 提供了一个方便的快捷方式,用于为构造方法中的属性赋值:在声明构造方法时使用 this.propertyName

class MyColor {
  int red;
  int green;
  int blue;

  MyColor(this.red, this.green, this.blue);

final color = MyColor(80, 80, 128);


class MyColor {

  MyColor({required this.red, required this.green, required this.blue});

final color = MyColor(red: 80, green: 80, blue: 80);

在上面的代码中,redgreenblue 被标记为 required,因为这些 int 数值不能为空。如果你指定了默认值,你可以忽略 required


MyColor([this.red = 0, this.green = 0, this.blue = 0]);
// or
MyColor({this.red = 0, this.green = 0, this.blue = 0});



使用 this 语法向 MyClass 添加一行构造方法,并接收和分配全部(三个)属性。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class MyClass {
  final int anInt;
  final String aString;
  final double aDouble;
  // TODO: Create the constructor here.

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];
  try {
    final obj = MyClass(1, 'two', 3);
    if (obj.anInt != 1) {
      errs.add('Called MyClass(1, \'two\', 3) and got an object with anInt of ${obj.anInt} \n instead of the expected value (1).');

    if (obj.anInt != 1) {
      errs.add('Called MyClass(1, \'two\', 3) and got an object with aString of \'${obj.aString}\' \n instead of the expected value (\'two\').');

    if (obj.anInt != 1) {
      errs.add('Called MyClass(1, \'two\', 3) and got an object with aDouble of ${obj.aDouble} \n instead of the expected value (3).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Called MyClass(1, \'two\', 3) and got an exception \n of type ${e.runtimeType}.');
  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for `this` example

This exercise has a one-line solution. Declare the constructor with this.anInt, this.aString, and this.aDouble as its parameters in that order.

MyClass(this.anInt, this.aString, this.aDouble);

Initializer lists


有时,当你在实现构造函数时,你需要在构造函数体执行之前进行一些初始化。例如,final 修饰的字段必须在构造函数体执行之前赋值。在初始化列表中执行此操作,该列表位于构造函数的签名与其函数体之间:

Point.fromJson(Map<String, double> json)
    : x = json['x']!,
      y = json['y']! {
  print('In Point.fromJson(): ($x, $y)');


NonNegativePoint(this.x, this.y)
    : assert(x >= 0),
      assert(y >= 0) {
  print('I just made a NonNegativePoint: ($x, $y)');



完成下面的 FirstTwoLetters 的构造函数。使用的初始化列表将 word 的前两个字符分配给 letterOneLetterTwo 属性。要获得额外的信用,请添加一个 断言 以捕获少于两个字符的单词。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class FirstTwoLetters {
  final String letterOne;
  final String letterTwo;

  // TODO: Create a constructor with an initializer list here:
  FirstTwoLetters(String word)


// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];

  try {
    final result = FirstTwoLetters('My String');
    if (result.letterOne != 'M') {
      errs.add('Called FirstTwoLetters(\'My String\') and got an object with \n letterOne equal to \'${result.letterOne}\' instead of the expected value (\'M\').');

    if (result.letterTwo != 'y') {
      errs.add('Called FirstTwoLetters(\'My String\') and got an object with \n letterTwo equal to \'${result.letterTwo}\' instead of the expected value (\'y\').');
  } catch (e) {
    errs.add('Called FirstTwoLetters(\'My String\') and got an exception \n of type ${e.runtimeType}.');

  bool caughtException = false;
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    caughtException = true;
  if (!caughtException) {
    errs.add('Called FirstTwoLetters(\'\') and didn\'t get an exception \n from the failed assertion.');
  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for initializer lists example

Two assignments need to happen: letterOne should be assigned word[0], and letterTwo should be assigned word[1].

  FirstTwoLetters(String word)
      : assert(word.length >= 2),
        letterOne = word[0],
        letterTwo = word[1];



为了允许一个类具有多个构造方法, Dart 支持命名构造方法:

class Point {
  double x, y;

  Point(this.x, this.y);

      : x = 0,
        y = 0;


final myPoint = Point.origin();



Color 类添加一个叫做 Color.black 的方法,它将会把三个属性的值都设为 0。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class Color {
  int red;
  int green;
  int blue;
  Color(this.red, this.green, this.blue);

  // TODO: Create a named constructor called "Color.black" here:


// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];

  try {
    final result = Color.black();
    if (result.red != 0) {
      errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with red equal to \n ${result.red} instead of the expected value (0).');

    if (result.green != 0) {
      errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with green equal to \n ${result.green} instead of the expected value (0).');

    if (result.blue != 0) {
  errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with blue equal to \n ${result.blue} instead of the expected value (0).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Called Color.black() and got an exception of type \n ${e.runtimeType}.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for named constructors example

The declaration for your constructor should begin with Color.black(): . In the initializer list (after the colon), set red, green, and blue to 0.

      : red = 0,
        green = 0,
        blue = 0;



Dart 支持工厂构造方法。它能够返回其子类甚至 null 对象。要创建一个工厂构造方法,请使用 factory 关键字。

class Square extends Shape {}

class Circle extends Shape {}

class Shape {

  factory Shape.fromTypeName(String typeName) {
    if (typeName == 'square') return Square();
    if (typeName == 'circle') return Circle();

    throw ArgumentError('Unrecognized $typeName');

Code example


替换名为 IntegerHolder.fromList 工厂构造函数中的 TODO(); 行,使其执行以下操作:

  • 如果列表只有一个值,那么就用它来创建一个 IntegerSingle 实例。

  • 如果这个列表有两个值,那么按其顺序创建一个 IntegerDouble 实例。

  • 如果这个列表有三个值,那么按其顺序创建一个 IntegerTriple 实例。

  • 否则,抛出一个 Error

如果成功,控制台应显示 Success!

class IntegerHolder {
  // Implement this factory constructor.
  factory IntegerHolder.fromList(List<int> list) {

class IntegerSingle extends IntegerHolder {
  final int a;


class IntegerDouble extends IntegerHolder {
  final int a;
  final int b;

  IntegerDouble(this.a, this.b);

class IntegerTriple extends IntegerHolder {
  final int a;
  final int b;
  final int c;

  IntegerTriple(this.a, this.b, this.c);

// Tests your solution (Don't edit from this point to end of file):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];

  // Run 5 tests to see which values have valid integer holders
  for (var tests = 0; tests < 5; tests++) {
    if (!testNumberOfArgs(errs, tests)) return;

  // The goal is no errors with values 1 to 3,
  // but have errors with values 0 and 4.
  // The testNumberOfArgs method adds to the errs array if
  // the values 1 to 3 have an error and
  // the values 0 and 4 don't have an error
  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {

bool testNumberOfArgs(List<String> errs, int count) {
  bool _threw = false;
  final ex = List.generate(count, (index) => index + 1);
  final callTxt = "IntegerHolder.fromList(${ex})";
  try {
    final obj = IntegerHolder.fromList(ex);
    final String vals = count == 1 ? "value" : "values";
    // Uncomment the next line if you want to see the results realtime
    // print("Testing with ${count} ${vals} using ${obj.runtimeType}.");
    testValues(errs, ex, obj, callTxt);
  } on Error {
    _threw = true;
  } catch (e) {
    switch (count) {
      case (< 1 && > 3):
        if (!_threw) {
          errs.add('Called ${callTxt} and it didn\'t throw an Error.');
        errs.add('Called $callTxt and received an Error.');
  return true;

void testValues(List<String> errs, List<int> expectedValues, IntegerHolder obj,
    String callText) {
  for (var i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {
    int found;
    if (obj is IntegerSingle) {
      found = obj.a;
    } else if (obj is IntegerDouble) {
      found = i == 0 ? obj.a : obj.b;
    } else if (obj is IntegerTriple) {
      found = i == 0
          ? obj.a
          : i == 1
              ? obj.b
              : obj.c;
    } else {
      throw ArgumentError(
          "This IntegerHolder type (${obj.runtimeType}) is unsupported.");

    if (found != expectedValues[i]) {
          "Called $callText and got a ${obj.runtimeType} " + 
          "with a property at index $i value of $found " +
          "instead of the expected (${expectedValues[i]}).");

Solution for factory constructors example

Inside the factory constructor, check the length of the list, then create and return an IntegerSingle, IntegerDouble, or IntegerTriple as appropriate.

Replace TODO(); with the following code block.

  switch (list.length) {
    case 1:
      return IntegerSingle(list[0]);
    case 2:
      return IntegerDouble(list[0], list[1]);
    case 3:
      return IntegerTriple(list[0], list[1], list[2]);
      throw ArgumentError("List must between 1 and 3 items. This list was ${list.length} items.");




class Automobile {
  String make;
  String model;
  int mpg;

  // The main constructor for this class.
  Automobile(this.make, this.model, this.mpg);

  // Delegates to the main constructor.
  Automobile.hybrid(String make, String model) : this(make, model, 60);

  // Delegates to a named constructor
  Automobile.fancyHybrid() : this.hybrid('Futurecar', 'Mark 2');



还记得我们之前提到的 Color 类吗?创建一个叫做 black 的命名构造方法,但这次我们不要手动分配属性,而是将 0 作为参数,重定向到默认的构造方法。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class Color {
  int red;
  int green;
  int blue;
  Color(this.red, this.green, this.blue);

  // TODO: Create a named constructor called "black" here
  // and redirect it to call the existing constructor

// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];

  try {
    final result = Color.black();
    if (result.red != 0) {
      errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with red equal to \n ${result.red} instead of the expected value (0).');

    if (result.green != 0) {
      errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with green equal to \n ${result.green} instead of the expected value (0).');

    if (result.blue != 0) {
  errs.add('Called Color.black() and got a Color with blue equal to \n ${result.blue} instead of the expected value (0).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Called Color.black() and got an exception of type ${e.runtimeType}.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for redirecting constructors example

Your constructor should redirect to this(0, 0, 0).

  Color.black() : this(0, 0, 0);

Const 构造方法


如果你的类生成的对象永远都不会更改,则可以让这些对象成为编译时常量。为此,请定义 const 构造方法并确保所有实例变量都是 final 的。

class ImmutablePoint {
  static const ImmutablePoint origin = ImmutablePoint(0, 0);

  final int x;
  final int y;

  const ImmutablePoint(this.x, this.y);



修改 Recipe 类,使其实例成为常量,并创建一个执行以下操作的常量构造方法:

  • 该方法有三个参数:ingredientscaloriesmilligramsOfSodium。(按照此顺序)

  • 使用 this 语法自动将参数值分配给同名的对象属性。

  • Recipe 的构造方法声明之前,用 const 关键字使其成为常量。

可以忽略以下代码一开始在 DartPad 中的错误。

class Recipe {
  List<String> ingredients;
  int calories;
  double milligramsOfSodium;

  // TODO: Create a const constructor here"


// Tests your solution (Don't edit!):
void main() {
  final errs = <String>[];

  try {
    const obj = Recipe(['1 egg', 'Pat of butter', 'Pinch salt'], 120, 200);
    if (obj.ingredients.length != 3) {
      errs.add('Called Recipe([\'1 egg\', \'Pat of butter\', \'Pinch salt\'], 120, 200) \n and got an object with ingredient list of length ${obj.ingredients.length} rather than the expected length (3).');
    if (obj.calories != 120) {
      errs.add('Called Recipe([\'1 egg\', \'Pat of butter\', \'Pinch salt\'], 120, 200) \n and got an object with a calorie value of ${obj.calories} rather than the expected value (120).');
    if (obj.milligramsOfSodium != 200) {
      errs.add('Called Recipe([\'1 egg\', \'Pat of butter\', \'Pinch salt\'], 120, 200) \n and got an object with a milligramsOfSodium value of ${obj.milligramsOfSodium} rather than the expected value (200).');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Tried calling Recipe([\'1 egg\', \'Pat of butter\', \'Pinch salt\'], 120, 200) \n and received a null.');

  if (errs.isEmpty) {
  } else {
Solution for const constructors example

To make the constructor const, you'll need to make all the properties final.

class Recipe {
  final List<String> ingredients;
  final int calories;
  final double milligramsOfSodium;

  const Recipe(this.ingredients, this.calories, this.milligramsOfSodium);



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