Web 上与 JavaScript 互调

The Dart web platform supports calling JavaScript using the js package, also known as package:js.

For help using the js package, see the following:

  • Documentation for the js package:
  • Packages that use the js package:
    • sass is an example of a more unusual use case: providing a way for JavaScript code to call Dart code.

Next-generation JS interop preview

Dart’s JS interop story is currently evolving. Many of the features that enable future JS interop are ready to experiment with as of Dart version 2.19. These features support the existing production and development web compilers, as well as Dart’s in-progress Wasm compiler (dart2wasm).

For a glimpse into the next generation of JS interop, you can refactor your code to conform to the new syntax and semantics now. Doing so will likely not prevent the need to refactor again once these features stabilize, as the features are still in development. However, the features available for preview are much closer to future JS interop than any pattern supported today. So, there are a few reasons to try them out now:

  • New JS interop developers can learn and build with future JS interop so they won’t have to unlearn obsolete patterns in a few months.
  • Existing JS interop developers eager to experiment with the latest features in JS interop or with dart2wasm when it becomes available.
  • Potentially ease transition of existing JS interop code once migration becomes necessary.

The following sections are the set of features expected to work across compilers for JS interop.


  • Dart SDK constraint: >= 2.19
  • package:js constraint: >= 0.6.6


The key feature of next-generation JS interop is static interop. We recommend using static interop as the default for package:js, as it is more declarative, more likely to be optimized, more likely to perform better, and required for dart2wasm. Static interop addresses several gaps in the existing JS interop story:

  • Missing features: Static interop enables previously unavailable features, like easily wrapping and transforming APIs, renaming members, and static checking.

  • Inconsistencies: Static interop makes backends more consistent, so development and production web compilers won’t behave as differently as before.

  • Clarity: Static interop takes a step towards making JS interop more idiomatic in Dart, and making the boundary between the two languages more visible. For example, it enforces that JS classes are not meant to be mixed with Dart (dynamic calls aren’t allowed, and JS interop types cannot be implemented as a Dart class).

You can implement static interop using the package:js annotation @staticInterop. The set of features for future static interop currently includes:

  • @staticInterop interfaces
    • External factory constructors with and without @anonymous
    • External static class members
    • External non-static extension members on a @staticInterop class (fields, getters, setters, methods)
    • Non-external extension members on a @staticInterop class
  • Top-level external members
  • @JSExport for mocking and exports

To learn how to implement static interop and see examples, visit the static interop specification.


dart:js_util provides low-level interop API and is supported by the JS and dart2wasm backends. dart:js_util can provide more flexibility, for example, in potential, rare edge cases we haven’t yet accounted for where static interop is not expressive enough.

However, it is not as ergonomic, and we do not plan to optimize it in the same way as static interop. As a result, we highly recommend using static interop over dart:js_util whenever it’s possible.