Only reference in-scope identifiers in doc comments.
#DO reference only in-scope identifiers in doc comments.
If you surround identifiers like variable, method, or type names in square
brackets, then tools like your IDE and
dart doc
can link to them. For this to
work, ensure that all identifiers in docs wrapped in brackets are in scope.
For example, assuming outOfScopeId
is out of scope:
/// Returns whether [value] is larger than [outOfScopeId].
bool isOutOfRange(int value) { ... }
/// Returns the larger of [a] or [b].
int max_int(int a, int b) { ... }
Note that the square bracket comment format is designed to allow comments to refer to declarations using a fairly natural format but does not allow arbitrary expressions. In particular, code references within square brackets can consist of any of the following:
- A bare identifier which is in-scope for the comment (see the spec for what is
"in-scope" in doc comments). Examples include
. - Two identifiers separated by a period (a "prefixed identifier"), such that the
first identifier acts as a namespacing identifier, such as a class property
name or method name prefixed by the containing class's name, or a top-level
identifier prefixed by an import prefix. Examples include
(an unnamed constructor),[Future.value]
(a constructor),[Future.wait]
(a static method),[Future.then]
(an instance method),[math.max]
(given that 'dart:async' is imported with amax
prefix). - A prefixed identifier followed by a pair of parentheses, used to disambiguate
named constructors from instance members (whose names are allowed to collide).
Examples include
. - Three identifiers separated by two periods, such that the first identifier is
an import prefix name, the second identifier is a top-level element like a
class or an extension, and the third identifier is a member of that top-level
element. Examples include
(given that 'dart:async' is imported with anasync
Known limitations
The comment_references
lint rule aligns with the Dart analyzer's notion of
comment references, which is occasionally distinct from Dartdoc's notion of
comment references. The lint rule may report comment references which Dartdoc
can resolve, even though the analyzer cannot. See
sdk#57783 for more
#To enable the comment_references
add comment_references
under linter > rules in your
- comment_references
If you're instead using the YAML map syntax to configure linter rules,
add comment_references: true
under linter > rules:
comment_references: true
除非另有说明,文档之所提及适用于 Dart 3.7.1 版本,本页面最后更新时间: 2025-01-27。 查看文档源码 或者 报告页面问题。