
Extension types

An extension type is a compile-time abstraction that "wraps" an existing type with a different, static-only interface. They are a major component of static JS interop because they can easily modify an existing type's interface (crucial for any kind of interop) without incurring the cost of an actual wrapper.

Extension types enforce discipline on the set of operations (or interface) available to objects of an underlying type, called the representation type. When defining the interface of an extension type, you can choose to reuse some members of the representation type, omit others, replace others, and add new functionality.

The following example wraps the int type to create an extension type that only allows operations that make sense for ID numbers:

extension type IdNumber(int id) {
  // Wraps the 'int' type's '<' operator:
  operator <(IdNumber other) => id < other.id;
  // Doesn't declare the '+' operator, for example,
  // because addition does not make sense for ID numbers.

void main() {
  // Without the discipline of an extension type,
  // 'int' exposes ID numbers to unsafe operations:
  int myUnsafeId = 42424242;
  myUnsafeId = myUnsafeId + 10; // This works, but shouldn't be allowed for IDs.

  var safeId = IdNumber(42424242);
  safeId + 10; // Compile-time error: No '+' operator.
  myUnsafeId = safeId; // Compile-time error: Wrong type.
  myUnsafeId = safeId as int; // OK: Run-time cast to representation type.
  safeId < IdNumber(42424241); // OK: Uses wrapped '<' operator.





Define a new extension type with the extension type declaration and a name, followed by the representation type declaration in parenthesis:

extension type E(int i) {
  // Define set of operations.

The representation type declaration (int i) specifies that the underlying type of extension type E is int, and that the reference to the representation object is named i. The declaration also introduces:

  • An implicit getter for the representation object with the representation type as the return type: int get i.
  • An implicit constructor: E(int i) : i = i.

The representation object gives the extension type access to an object at the underlying type. The object is in scope in the extension type body, and you can access it using its name as a getter:

  • Within the extension type body using i (or this.i in a constructor).
  • Outside with a property extraction using e.i (where e has the extension type as its static type).

Extension type declarations can also include type parameters just like classes or extensions:

extension type E<T>(List<T> elements) {
  // ...



You can optionally declare constructors in an extension type's body. The representation declaration itself is an implicit constructor, so by default takes the place of an unnamed constructor for the extension type. Any additional non-redirecting generative constructors must initialize the representation object's instance variable using this.i in its initializer list or formal parameters.

extension type E(int i) {
  E.m(int j, String foo) : i = j + foo.length;

void main() {
  E(4); // Implicit unnamed constructor.
  E.n(3); // Named constructor.
  E.m(5, "Hello!"); // Named constructor with additional parameters.

Or, you can name the representation declaration constructor, in which case there is room for an unnamed constructor in the body:

extension type const E._(int it) {
  E(): this._(42);

void main2() {
  const E._(2);

You can also completely hide the constructor, instead of just defining a new one, using the same private constructor syntax for classes, _. For example, if you only want clients constructing E with a String, even though the underlying type is int:

extension type E._(int i) {
  E.fromString(String foo) : i = int.parse(foo);

You can also declare forwarding generative constructors, or factory constructors (which can also forward to constructors of sub-extension types).



Declare members in the body of an extension type to define its interface the same way you would for class members. Extension type members can be methods, getters, setters, or operators (non-external instance variables and abstract members are not allowed):

extension type NumberE(int value) {
  // Operator:
  NumberE operator +(NumberE other) =>
      NumberE(value + other.value);
  // Getter:
  NumberE get myNum => this;
  // Method:
  bool isValid() => !value.isNegative;

Interface members of the representation type are not interface members of the extension type by default. To make a single member of the representation type available on the extension type, you must write a declaration for it in the extension type definition, like the operator + in NumberE. You also can define new members unrelated to the representation type, like the i getter and isValid method.



You can optionally use the implements clause to:

  • Introduce a subtype relationship on an extension type, AND
  • Add the members of the representation object to the extension type interface.

The implements clause introduces an applicability relationship like the one between an extension method and its on type. Members that are applicable to the supertype are applicable to the subtype as well, unless the subtype has a declaration with the same member name.

An extension type can only implement:

  • Its representation type. This makes all members of the representation type implicitly available to the extension type.

    extension type NumberI(int i) 
      implements int{
      // 'NumberI' can invoke all members of 'int',
      // plus anything else it declares here.
  • A supertype of its representation type. This makes the members of the supertype available, while not necessarily all the members of representation type.

    extension type Sequence<T>(List<T> _) implements Iterable<T> {
      // Better operations than List.
    extension type Id(int _id) implements Object {
      // Makes the extension type non-nullable.
      static Id? tryParse(String source) => int.tryParse(source) as Id?;
  • Another extension type that is valid on the same representation type. This allows you to reuse operations across multiple extension types (similar to multiple inheritance).

    extension type const Opt<T>._(({T value})? _) { 
      const factory Opt(T value) = Val<T>;
      const factory Opt.none() = Non<T>;
    extension type const Val<T>._(({T value}) _) implements Opt<T> { 
      const Val(T value) : this._((value: value));
      T get value => _.value;
    extension type const Non<T>._(Null _) implements Opt<Never> {
      const Non() : this._(null);

Read the Usage section to learn more about the effect of implements in different scenarios.



Declaring an extension type member that shares a name with a member of a supertype is not an override relationship like it is between classes, but rather a redeclaration. An extension type member declaration completely replaces any supertype member with the same name. It's not possible to provide an alternative implementation for the same function.

You can use the @redeclare annotation to tell the compiler you are knowingly choosing to use the same name as a supertype's member. The analyzer will then warn you if that's not actually true, for example if one of the names are mistyped.

extension type MyString(String _) implements String {
  // Replaces 'String.operator[]'
  int operator [](int index) => codeUnitAt(index);

You can also enable the lint annotate_redeclares to get a warning if you declare an extension type method that hides a superinterface member and isn't annotated with @redeclare.



To use an extension type, create an instance the same as you would with a class: by calling a constructor:

extension type NumberE(int value) {
  NumberE operator +(NumberE other) =>
      NumberE(value + other.value);

  NumberE get next => NumberE(value + 1);
  bool isValid() => !value.isNegative;

void testE() { 
  var num = NumberE(1);

Then, you can invoke members on the object as you would with a class object.

There are two equally valid, but substantially different core use cases for extension types:

  1. Providing an extended interface to an existing type.
  2. Providing a different interface to an existing type.

1. Provide an extended interface to an existing type


When an extension type implements its representation type, you can consider it "transparent", because it allows the extension type to "see" the underlying type.

A transparent extension type can invoke all members of the representation type (that aren't redeclared), plus any auxillary members it defines. This creates a new, extended interface for an existing type. The new interface is available to expressions whose static type is the extension type.

This means you can invoke members of the representation type (unlike a non-transparent extension type), like so:

extension type NumberT(int value) 
  implements int {
  // Doesn't explicitly declare any members of 'int'.
  NumberT get i => this;

void main () {
  // All OK: Transparency allows invoking `int` members on the extension type:
  var v1 = NumberT(1); // v1 type: NumberT
  int v2 = NumberT(2); // v2 type: int
  var v3 = v1.i - v1;  // v3 type: int
  var v4 = v2 + v1; // v4 type: int
  var v5 = 2 + v1; // v5 type: int
  // Error: Extension type interface is not available to representation type

You can also have a "mostly-transparent" extension type that adds new members and adapts others by redeclaring a given member name from the supertype. This would allow you to use stricter types on some parameters of a method, or different default values, for example.

Another mostly-transparent extension type approach is to implement a type that is a supertype of the representation type. For example, if the representation type is private but its supertype defines the part of the interface that matters for clients.

2. Provide a different interface to an existing type


An extension type that is not transparent (that does not implement its representation type) is statically treated as a completely new type, distinct from its representation type. You can't assign it to its representation type, and it doesn't expose its representation type's members.

For example, take the NumberE extension type we declared under Usage:

void testE() { 
  var num1 = NumberE(1);
  int num2 = NumberE(2); // Error: Can't assign 'NumberE' to 'int'.
  num1.isValid(); // OK: Extension member invocation.
  num1.isNegative(); // Error: 'NumberE' does not define 'int' member 'isNegative'.
  var sum1 = num1 + num1; // OK: 'NumberE' defines '+'.
  var diff1 = num1 - num1; // Error: 'NumberE' does not define 'int' member '-'.
  var diff2 = num1.value - 2; // OK: Can access representation object with reference.
  var sum2 = num1 + 2; // Error: Can't assign 'int' to parameter type 'NumberE'. 
  List<NumberE> numbers = [
    num1.next, // OK: 'next' getter returns type 'NumberE'.
    1, // Error: Can't assign 'int' element to list type 'NumberE'.

You can use an extension type this way to replace the interface of an existing type. This allows you to model an interface that is makes sense for the constraints of your new type (like the IdNumber example in the introduction), while also benefitting from the performance and convenience of a simple pre-defined type, like int.

This use case is as close as you can get to the complete encapsulation of a wrapper class (but is realistically only a somewhat protected abstraction).

Type considerations


Extension types are a compile-time wrapping construct. At run time, there is absolutely no trace of the extension type. Any type query or similar run-time operations work on the representation type.

This makes extension types an unsafe abstraction, because you can always find out the representation type at run time and access the underlying object.

Dynamic type tests (e is T), casts (e as T), and other run-time type queries (like switch (e) ... or if (e case ...)) all evaluate to the underlying representation object, and type check against that object's runtime type. That's true when the static type of e is an extension type, and when testing against an extension type (case MyExtensionType(): ... ).

void main() {
  var n = NumberE(1);

  // Run-time type of 'n' is representation type 'int'.
  if (n is int) print(n.value); // Prints 1.

  // Can use 'int' methods on 'n' at run time.
  if (n case int x) print(x.toRadixString(10)); // Prints 1.
  switch (n) {
    case int(:var isEven): print("$n (${isEven ? "even" : "odd"})"); // Prints 1 (odd).

Similarly, the static type of the matched value is that of the extension type in this example:

void main() {
  int i = 2;
  if (i is NumberE) print("It is"); // Prints 'It is'.
  if (i case NumberE v) print("value: ${v.value}"); // Prints 'value: 2'.
  switch (i) {
    case NumberE(:var value): print("value: $value"); // Prints 'value: 2'.

It's important to be aware of this quality when using extension types. Always keep in mind that an extension type exists and matters at compile time, but gets erased during compilation.

For example, consider an expression e whose static type is the extension type E, and the representation type of E is R. Then, the run-time type of the value of e is a subtype of R. Even the type itself is erased; List<E> is exactly the same thing as List<R> at run time.

In other words, a real wrapper class can encapsulate a wrapped object, whereas an extension type is just a compile-time view on the wrapped object. While a real wrapper is safer, the trade-off is extension types give you the option to avoid wrapper objects, which can greatly improve performance in some scenarios.