
Remove is one of the commands of the pub tool.

$ dart pub remove <package> [options]

This command removes the specified package from the pubspec as a dependency.

For example, the following command is equivalent to editing pubspec.yaml (removing http from dependencies or dev_dependencies) and then calling dart pub get:

$ dart pub remove http


For options that apply to all pub commands, see Global options.


默认情况下,pub 会从网络上拉取 package (--no-offline)。若你想使用本地的 package,使用 --offline 参数。想了解更多细节,请查看 离线获取 package.

-n, --dry-run

Reports which dependencies would change, but doesn’t change any.


By default, pub precompiles executables in immediate dependencies (--precompile). To prevent precompilation, use --no-precompile.