
Dart 开发语言概览

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A basic Dart program

This content has moved to Introduction to the Dart language.

Important concepts

This content has moved to Introduction to the Dart language.


This content has moved to Keywords.


This content has moved to Variables.

Default value

This content has moved to Variables.

Late variables

This content has moved to Variables.

Final and const

This content has moved to Variables.

Built-in types

This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Collections.

Trailing commas

This content has moved to Collections.

Spread operator

This content has moved to Collections.

Collection operators

This content has moves to Collections.


This content has moved to Collections.


This content has moved to Collections.

Runes and grapheme clusters

This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Built-in types.


This content has moved to Functions.


This content has moved to Functions.

Named parameters

This content has moved to Functions.

Default parameters

This content has moved to Functions.

Optional positional parameters

This content has moved to Functions.

The main() function

This content has moved to Functions.

Functions as first-class objects

This content has moved to Functions.

Anonymous functions

This content has moved to Functions.

Lexical scope

This content has moved to Functions.

Lexical closures

This content has moved to Functions.

Testing functions for equality

This content has moved to Functions.

Return values

This content has moved to Functions.


This content has moved to Operators.

Arithmetic operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Equality and relational operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Type test operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Assignment operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Logical operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Bitwise and shift operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Conditional expressions

This content has moved to Operators.

Cascade notation

This content has moved to Operators.

Other operators

This content has moved to Operators.

Control flow statements

This content has moved to Control flow.

If and else

This content has moved to Control flow.

For loops

This content has moved to Control flow.

While and do-while

This content has moved to Control flow.

Break and continue

This content has moved to Control flow.

Switch and case

This content has moved to Control flow.


This content has moved to Control flow.


This content has moved to Error handling.


This content has moved to Error handling.


This content has moved to Error handling.


This content has moved to Error handling.


This content has moved to Classes.

Using class members

This content has moved to Classes.

Using constructors

This content has moved to Classes.

Getting an object’s type

This content has moved to Classes.

Instance variables

This content has moved to Classes.


This content has moved to Constructors.

Initializing formal parameters

This content has moved to Constructors.

Default constructors

This content has moved to Constructors.

Constructors aren’t inherited

This content has moved to Constructors.

Named constructors

This content has moved to Constructors.

Invoking a non-default superclass constructor

This content has moved to Constructors.

Super parameters

This content has moved to Constructors.

Initializer list

This content has moved to Constructors.

Redirecting constructors

This content has moved to Constructors.

Constant constructors

This content has moved to Constructors.

Factory constructors

This content has moved to Constructors.


This content has moved to Methods.

Instance methods

This content has moved to Methods.


This content has moved to Methods.

Getters and setters

This content has moved to Methods.

Abstract methods

This content has moved to Methods.

Abstract classes

This content has moved to Classes.

Implicit interfaces

This content has moved to Classes.

Extending a class

This content has moved to Extend a class.

Overriding members

This content has moved to Extend a class.


This content has moved to Extend a class.

Extension methods

This content has moved to Extension methods.

Enumerated types

This content has moved to Enumerated types.

Declaring simple enums

This content has moved to Enumerated types.

Declaring enhanced enums

This content has moved to Enumerated types.

Using enums

This content has moved to Enumerated types.

Adding features to a class: mixins

This content has moved to Mixins.

Class variables and methods

This content has moved to Classes.

Static variables

This content has moved to Classes.

Static methods

This content has moved to Classes.


This content has moved to Generics.

Why use generics?

This content has moved to Generics.

Using collection literals

This content has moved to Generics.

Using parameterized types with constructors

This content has moved to Generics.

Generic collections and the types they contain

This content has moved to Generics.

Restricting the parameterized type

This content has moved to Generics.

Using generic methods

This content has moved to Generics.

Libraries and visibility

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Using libraries

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Specifying a library prefix

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Importing only part of a library

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Lazily loading a library

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

The library directive

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Implementing libraries

This content has moved to Libraries & visibility.

Asynchrony support

This content has moved to Asynchrony support.

Handling Futures

This content has moved to Asynchrony support.

Declaring async functions

This content has moved to Asynchrony support.

Handling Streams

This content has moved to Asynchrony support.


This content has moved to Generators.

Callable classes

This content has moved to Callable objects.


This content has moved to Isolates.


This content has moved to Typedefs.


This content has moved to Metadata.


This content has moved to Comments.

Single-line comments

This content has moved to Comments.

Multi-line comments

This content has moved to Comments.

Documentation comments

This content has moved to Comments.